The Book of Modern Fairies.

Stinky Pants Fairy

Tooth Fairy

Messy Fairy


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The Stinky Pants Fairy



We’d like to introduce to you

A fairy who fools grown-ups too

(But hold your nose – he smells of poo)

The Stinky-Pants Fairy


When no-one’s looking, out he darts

And crouches with his knees apart

Then lets out a humungous fart

The Stinky-Pants Fairy


Then just as quick he goes again

And leaves the dog to take the blame

He always lives up to his name

The Stinky-Pants Fairy


If there’s a chance someone might see

He eases out an S.B.D.

(That’s a silent but deadly to you and me)

The Stinky-Pants Fairy


He blows off right behind your mum

He blows off ‘cause he thinks it’s fun

That eggy wind is from his bum

The Stinky-Pants Fairy

(To hear the song click here)

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